
Our team members have expertise in sound design, script creation and editing, documentary filmmaking, graphic design, media coaching, and placing op-eds and written pieces in public outlets. 

With these skills, we connect the ivory tower to the grassroots by creating audio and video docuseries for think tanks, investigative journalists, and university centers. We also provide public scholarship resources and training, as well as media placement for academics.


Media Creation – Audio and Video 

Want to make a professional podcast out of your research? Interested in a video series based on your work? Do you have a body of research that you’d like to reach public audiences? 
Don’t be held back by a lack of expertise with media creation. 

Our team specializes in transforming academic research into reliable and relevant media designed for non-academic audiences. We will work with you to create a docu series that will be effective in reaching a variety of publics – undergraduate and graduate students, academic colleagues, university stakeholders, donors, clergy, nonprofit partners, and more.

Public Scholarship Training

We offer an array of resources that help scholars craft the skills necessary to do written, audio, and video public scholarship – from learning how to pitch editors to creating your own podcast or appearing in different forms of media. 

  • Videos and Guides 
  • Templates for podcast creation, script writing, and interviews. 
  • Webinars 
  • Group Sessions (on site and virtual) 
  • One on one coaching

Media Placement 

Have research findings you want to share with a diverse set of publics? Intimidated by the idea of finding the right avenues for your public appearances? We will place you on channels, shows, and podcasts that align with your values and expertise.